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I'm Aktan

Since beginning my journey as a backend developer nearby 2 years
ago, I've done remote work for companies, tried many technologies,
and collaborated with talented people to create digital products.

>My Skills


The technological revolution is changing aspects of our lives, and the fabric of society itself. So I've chosen to be developer, and one of the many people who want to make this world a better place :)


The framework for Python


The BIG framework for Python


Faster than python so...




My lover))


Just big Relational DB

First Pet-Project

Learn Algrorithm Tasks

This project implements the principle of "spaced repetition" algorithm, which implies repetition of previously learned material taking into account the evaluation of the user's understanding of the topic. When you solve a problem or go through a tutorial, the bot asks you to evaluate your understanding of the topic. Based on your assessment, the bot determines the optimal time for the next repetition of the task. This allows you to learn the material more efficiently and increases the effectiveness of learning.

Second Pet-Project

Visa Appointer Bot

This project is an automated bot, developed using Selenium, which helps people to go through the process of registering and scheduling an interview for a visa to Poland. The bot provides the user with a convenient and efficient way to fill in the necessary forms and data required to register for a visa interview. It automatically fills in the relevant fields of the web forms on the official website of the Polish Consulate based on the data provided by the user. This saves time and simplifies the process of applying for a visa. The user enters his/her data into the bot's interface, and then the bot automatically performs the sequence of actions on the web page that is usually required to register for an interview.

Third Pet-Project

Diagnoses Bot-Predictor

This project is a chatbot based on the GPT (Generative Pre-trained Transformer) architecture, which has a wide database containing information about various diseases. Due to this, the bot is able to identify possible causes of a disease when a user contacts it with complaints about their health condition. The user can interact with the bot by describing their symptoms and health condition. Based on this data and analyzing the available medical dataset, the chatbot provides probable diagnoses and assumptions about the causes of the disease. The goal of the project is to create a user-friendly tool for users that can help identify possible causes of diseases and direct them to more detailed medical examinations and consultations with qualified specialists.


Second Pet-Project

Sentiment Analyzing

This project focuses on text tone analysis, also known as sentiment analysis. It uses advanced Natural Language Processing (NLP) techniques to identify and classify emotional coloration in text data. The goal of this project is to automatically assess the emotional coloring or nuance of a text to determine whether the text is positive, negative or neutral. The project can be applied in various fields such as analyzing user feedback, determining sentiment in social media, monitoring public opinion, and other applications where understanding people's attitudes towards certain topics or products is important. During the project, text is processed using various NLP techniques such as tokenization, stop word removal, lemmatization and vectorization. After text preprocessing, a machine learning model is trained on the labeled data to classify texts into three main categories - positive, negative and neutral.

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